How To Use CDN For WooCommerce

WordPress CDN

WooCommerce is among the leading e-commerce plugins for Wordpress websites. It is a plugin that allows you, the website owner to run an online shop on your website. It is used by over 30% of all online shops.

It is popular for its ease of integration with the many available payment methods and its extensions. Further, it is an open-source software solution and it offers the shop owner full control of their operations.

To convert more visitors into customers, websites need to load fast. This is where Free CDN for WooCommerce comes in.

As an online shop gains more and more products the more traffic it gains. This leads to a slowdown in loading and an increase in resources used. To optimize these problems on your WooCommerce shop, a CDN is the best solution.

How Does A CDN Solve This Problem

A CDN is a network of remotely located servers that you can load your website pages on to improve loading speed. Depending on the location of the website visitor, the closest CDN server, to the visitor loads, the website page sought.

This ensures that your website is fast enough to keep your visitors from abandoning it as it loads and to convert them to paying customers.

In this busy world, we live in, websites that don’t load in three seconds are abandoned. A CDN helps to eliminate this problem completely. An improvement in the speed of online shops leads to increased revenues for your business.

Activate WooCommerce Content Delivery Network (CDN) On Your Website

There are many CDN solutions that you can run on your WooCommerce store. This will help to load your product images quickly ensuring increased sales and returning customers. To activate CDN on your website, sign up for any of the CDN solutions that you may choose.

Beluga CDN is the best CDN to use for your online shop. With thirty days free trial, you can test it out at no cost. Experience the standards that Beluga has gained over the 15 years they have been providing CDN services. Beluga CDN is cheap and also offers a pay-as-you-go model to ensure that you pay only for the resources you need. It has extremely fast servers and thus is a good solution.

Visit the Beluga CDN website to activate your account and connect your website to the CDN to enjoy higher speed and increased revenues.

Once your website activates the CDN, the CDN will take the pages of your website and load them onto its different remote servers. Once a visitor searches for your website, the CDN server that is closest to them geographically will display the webpage on their browser. Thus, enhancing the speed of your website.

When choosing a CDN for wordpress website, make sure that you choose a paid for service provider. Free CDN service for woocommerce may not be effective.

In addition to enhancing the speed of your website, CDNs also improve their security. CDNs increase the traffic capacity of your website with its numerous servers. As such, your website can withstand a DDoS attack as there are many servers from which it can load from.

Online shops are often targeted by hackers and business rivals. A high quality CDN will provide the security you require.

Other Methods To Increase The Speed of Your WooCommerce Website

Optimize Your Website Images

Modern websites are made up of images and other dynamic assets. Online shops have numerous high-definition images of the products they sell. These images make the website load slowly. Cache the images on a CDN so that they load in the background without stressing your website server.

Optimize Your Plugins

Your website will have many plugins that slow it down as you add more and more images. Check your plugins and remove all those that are not useful to your website as it grows.

Optimize Your Themes

Make sure you have an appropriate theme for your WooCommerce website. Themes make your website heavy to load. Thus, you should have themes that are easy to load.

Check Your Website Speed

Before you adopt a CDN onto your website, make sure that you know the speed of your website. After you incorporate the CDN, check whether the speed has improved. This is the only way you can tell if the CDN is helpful.


Beluga CDN is the best CDN for WordPress websites and the WooCommerce online shops. Use it to keep your customer’s user experience positive. In turn, they will spend more on your business increasing your revenue

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