Best CDN Hosting

Best CDN Hosting

Businesses in the 21st century cannot be simply run by using old tricks of the trade. With the ushering in of the 21st century came in demand for new frontiers to serve customers, one of which is through the Internet. With this improved means to connect with each other, ways to incorporate the same technology in businesses also came about.

Further improvements came in the form of new discoveries, and these made paid-for services available without payment, putting in more profit for enterprises. Can the same be said for the best CDN hosting out there? While content delivery networks have been out in the market since the late 90s, they remain one of the best weapons for companies like Netflix and AirBNB to reach and maintain their global status. But for neophyte companies like yours who are just entering the whole CDN scene, CDN comparisons in your hopes to get the best CDN hosting must be done meticulously. To aid you with your CDN comparison, and in hopes that you arrive with the best CDN hosting, we are BelugaCDN are here to give you all the assistance you need. These may just be the basics, but it will give you beginners’ leverage in doing CDN comparison.

Consider Trial Periods

When doing CDN comparison, it will seem quite impossible to conclude that the best CDN hosting is the one you will find first, or try first. Especially for a big change in the workplace such as the best CDN hosting, needing for help if the service you got is the best CDN hosting will require you time and exposure. It is also imperative that you be exposed to various CDNs, for you to really say that the service you got is indeed the best CDN hosting. After going through various service providers claiming they have the best CDN hosting, you may opt to go with one that entices you the best. But make sure to opt for a trial period. In this trial period, there are a lot of considerations you can make, that will ultimately help you decide if you want that specific service or not.

The best CDN hosting will let you go through this trial period, because it is key to get to know the service not only in using it, but also in preparing for it. The best CDN hosting providers must assist you in setting up the CDN, allowing you to experiment and go through its different features, and see how the service works when incorporated into your office’s system. In this trial period, you are to decide if you will push through with the service. This is also helpful when doing CDN comparison for you as the potential client; the service provider will put their best foot forward, which will represent how helpful they will be when you finally decide that their service is the best CDN hosting there is. So, opt for a trial period. This is key in judging what the best CDN hosting is.

The best CDN hosting has three main characteristics


If you didn’t know yet, Content Delivery Networks were designed to fundamentally make the relaying of web data much more effective and efficient. Each website has a corresponding web host origin. Most times, a website is assigned only one, although many established companies and brands have quite a few. That said, these host origins become responsible for responding to requests each user makes. If your website serves less than a thousand people in a month, then the origin should suffice. However, if you run a thriving and growing brand, your website is bound to receive more traffic, thus making it difficult and challenging for your web host origin alone to accommodate every single user you have. Your website not being backed up by a CDN is all the more prone to crashing really easily. What’s more, your users will also experience a noticeable delay in web loading speed; certainly not what you want for your website and overall brand.

As such, considering where the Points of Presence of a provider are is crucial. Always factor this in your CDN comparison list. The best CDN hosting providers may not necessarily have the most number of data centers, but they can serve your customers as efficiently as possible. For instance, if you have a growing audience in Japan, make sure to look for a provider that has PoPs in Asia. If your market in Sweden is growing, determine if the provider you’re eyeing is also present in the region. The initial purpose of a CDN is to improve web page speed. That being the case, the locations of a provider can be a make or break for you.


Money will also, always be a determiner for any consideration in life. Whether CDN comparison or not, it’s critical for us to do our research and check standard prices. Doing so gives us a better insight as to how much we could be spending and saving at the same time. At present, there are two billing schemes for CDN providers: pay-per-usage and custom contracts. Both have promising benefits, although pay-per-usage triumphs more for startup websites and sites that belong to smaller brands. If you’re either of the two, buy CDN that makes you pay only for what you’ve used.

This is because pay-per-usage pricing is a lot more predictable and easier to estimate. In other words, the best CDN hosting provider makes an effort to provide only transparent pricing. Not only do you know what you’re paying for, you’re also consistently kept in the know about how much more bandwidth you’re allowed and where you’re at in terms of payment.

The best CDN hosting provider will be clear with you on billing every step of the way. For instance, here in Beluga CDN, despite us not wanting you to leave, you’ll be pleased to know you can unsubscribe anytime with no additional fees.

Customer service

Because signing up with a provider means allowing them access and authority to transmit your web content, the capacity to turn to an accountable team to help you with your concerns is crucial. It doesn’t matter if you have an IT team or not, the point is, many solopreneurs can also benefit from a CDN. That said, should anyone need help, a customer service team should be readily available to help clients with concerns. In your CDN comparison list, include all the time, what level of access you’re given and what times certain teams are available. Don’t let the fear of not knowing how to manage CDN services on your own. Buy CDN now.

All in all, the best CDN hosting provider will differ depending on what your website and business needs are. If you’re looking for a sign whether or not you should buy CDN, this is it.

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