How To Use A Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Learning to assess SEO keywords and search words is a great way to figure out what people need answers for the most. If you’re reading this now, you either typed the words “how to use a content delivery network (CDN)” on Google or are simply looking for write-ups that talk about this segment of technology.
To start, a CDN is a system of servers placed in various parts of the planet to better relay data to users all around the world. Websites like Youtube, Gmail, and Netflix all make use of CDNs given their steady foreign audiences.
Installing CDNs vary depending on which CDN provider you choose, but steps are generally easy. For example, with BelugaCDN, it’s as easy as using their API to create a new website property, then following the Update DNS instructions to change the CNAME of your website.
How does a CDN work?
One of a CDN’s biggest functions is to reduce the load time when visitors access websites. So to make this work, a CDN stores cached and updated versions of a site and then send and keeps it in servers that are strategically placed in several geographic areas (which are servers that are referred to points of presence, PoPs). By doing so, the request a user makes—meaning every time they open a picture or play a video or click on an article—doesn’t have to travel to a site’s web host origin; that’s because every PoP is packed with several caching servers that handle a variety of websites’ content and efficiently delivers them to users that are near them.
Essentially, a CDN stores your site data in a ton of servers at once, making sure your site holds a generous coverage for your visitors to access. For instance, when someone from Australia visits your London-hosted site, they’re able to do so with the help of your local Australian PoP; their request no longer travels from the land down under to the square mile. In a nutshell, a CDN benefits site owners because they improve loading speed, enhance security, and even allow customized content based on location!
Should I use a CDN?
The best answer is it depends. Not all websites benefit from CDNs simply because not every site is designed to cater to a global market. There are those whose audience is well within their proximal community. Consider CDNs only if you know for sure your site’s traffic is growing. CDNs are also perfect for websites that cater to audiences in more than one country.
Ultimately, CDNs are advantageous to sites that have hundreds to thousands of visitors all at once. Below are fantastic examples of industries that need CDN the most:
Banking - because finances are always a big deal, it’s important for financial institutions to always be online. That said, investing in a CDN is a must for this sector considering how banks are the backbone of fund transfers, investments, online businesses, and more. Imagine the nightmare and hassle customers go through if their bank isn’t available online.
Government - representing an entire nation or region in a digital home is a big responsibility. Lots of people visit these sites for holiday updates and other important information. Whether for foreigners or local citizens, sites like these must consistently be online.
Media - it’s only fair for people to frequent sites like CNN, Vice, Associated Press News, and USA Today. As a result, media websites and digital publications are called to always be online to reach thousands of visitors every day. And because there’s sure news everywhere in the world as each minute progresses, media and news sites have to deliver to their audience.
E-Commerce - it goes without saying that an e-commerce business largely operates online. Amazon and eBay, for example, are perfect examples of websites that cater to a variety of cultures. As such, it’s important for these sites to be able to load their media quickly and efficiently. Because these sites also rely on a ton of media, they can’t afford to be offline as that’s going to cost them a ton of money.
Interested in seeing what BelugaCDN can do for your company? Get a free trial and find out for yourself!
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