CDN Video Hosting Service

CDN Video Hosting Service

Content Delivery Network with Seamless Video Streaming

Did you know that videos is an effective way to increase visitor engagement on your website? That is right. Different studies have shown that compared to websites that only features texts and some images, web pages that have useful videos tend to get visitors to stay on the website more.

That is not really shocking anyone. After all, videos are a great way to convey information, attract a specific audience, and reach different goals like conversion and lead generation.

However, like anything else in the world, having videos on your website can have its own downside. One of which is that it is a heavier file compared to other elements of your website. As a result, it takes more bandwidth to load it.

Combine that with the problem of latency - or the length of time a web page is opened from the time the web request to access it was sent - and you might end up with a web page that has a slow-loading video component.

To make things more complicated, latency can get worse if the web visitor is far from the host server. If you are targeting a global audience, some of them will not be within proximity of your website host server.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to your problem, which is a CDN for video hosting service.

What is CDN Video Hosting Service?

Content delivery network or CDN services is a type of internet solution that is aimed to solve latency. You see, when a web visitor tries to open a web page, they are sending a web request to your host server.

The host server, in turn, will send the elements and files that compose the web page to the browser on the device of the web visitor until it loads. That is latency.

The further the web visitor from the host server is, the higher the latency because of the longer travel made by the web request.

CDN services solve this problem through strategically-installed servers that are geographically spread out around the world.

When a web request is made, it is sent into the nearest CDN server instead of the host server that is miles away. The CDN server then serves a cached version of the web page being requested.

As a result, web requests travel is faster and it results in faster web page load time.

However, what makes modern CDN services great at delivering not just texts and images but also videos is its ability to optimize web page elements so that it consumes smaller bandwidth during delivery and loading.

BelugaCDN is one of the top CDN providers that supports transcoding. This feature allows for compression of files into smaller formats, then converts it to the format that works for the device of the web visitor.

Benefits of CDN Video Hosting Service

Aside from optimizing web page elements, including video, BelugaCDN also gives subscribers different advantages like:

Ability to Handle Large Audience

If your videos become viral, there is a good chance that your website will get a big spike in traffic. Fortunately, CDN servers are designed to handle large numbers of web requests. If you only have your web host server, it will be overwhelmed with all the number of visitors.

Good Web Experience

When you solve the problem of latency and can optimize your web page elements and files for fast web page loading. You can deliver good web experience to your web visitors. Images load fast and videos do not buffer. Those may seem like small things but it goes a long way in keeping your visitors engaged.


Good content and a high number of referring domains are the quickest ways to rank high in Google. But a lot of people forget that good web experience is also important to the search engine giant. In fact, page load speed is one of the most important Google ranking factors. And with a reliable CDN service, you can cover that base easily.

User and Developer Friendly

Any website owner can easily create an account with BelugaCDN. From there, you can access an intuitive dashboard where you can set up, configure, and manage the CDN services based on your website’s needs. Best of all, this CDN service is also very developer-friendly. Your web developer will get access to advanced options and automation through Restful APIs.

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