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Free Minecraft Server Hosting

You can think of Minecraft as digital Lego. Now the question may pop up on your mind why do we need a free Minecraft server hosting games like digital Lego? Well this game is not an ordinary deal. It opens up a whole world of creativity and imaginary abilities the moment you start playing it. Simple user experienced couple with basic gameplay makes this game an innovation in the digital gaming industry.

Minecraft hosting is not needed in basic game modes, where a player can literally do whatever he likes with the bulk of resources they get in the game. Although Minecraft can be played solo, but the multiplayer version is whole lot of a different experience. In multiplayer game mode, players can choose from a variety of gameplay strategies, waging a war, living in peace or maybe running joint quests.

Free Minecraft server hosting

Why do we host Minecraft hosting?

The solo version of Minecraft does not need any server but just like other multiplayer games, one player needs to create their own Minecraft hosting server or get a free Minecraft hosting server from another provider. You maybe wondering why would anyone pay to get Minecraft hosting when there is a free Minecraft hosting server available.

To understand this, we need to revisit the basics of hosting services in the first place. A free Minecraft hosting server, if availed from a good hosting service provider, can be as good as a paid Minecraft hosting. We will discuss such hosting services providers who are far better than their expensive competitors at the end of this article.

Minecraft gameplay has so many flavors to it, since it is not a resource heavy game, our gameplay might be seamless and smooth even with free Minecraft hosting server. You can literally get a smooth Minecraft hosting experience by just signing up for 2 GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores.

The storage space is very insignificant but we recommend the use of solid-state drives (SSDs) since they offer a far better transfer rate. The only reason someone might think of getting a paid Minecraft hosting instead of free Minecraft server hosting is the large number of players or different game mods.

The requirements of paid Minecraft hosting can be achieved by a basic VPS plan and if you don’t wish to spend on a cheap hosting then run your own server or get a free Minecraft server hosting plan for yourself.
To set up your own server and run a free Minecraft server hosting in the cloud check out this oracle blog by Todd Sharp.

Choosing between paid and free Minecraft server hosting

The process of selecting paid over free is not easy. Same is the case with choosing paid Minecraft hosting over free Minecraft server hosting. While the discussion may stretch and involve Minecraft gameplay experts, let us discuss only the hosting related points which may helps us choose between free Minecraft server hosting and paid Minecraft hosting.

  • Customization
  • Mods and Plugins
  • Backups
  • Latency

 Customization: Adjusting servers is not easy but some professional players really considers this factor as one of the basic. While Minecraft hosting allows players to set a server based on number of players, game complexity and mods, so players have to think before choosing a free Minecraft server hosting plan if it is offering the same customization level or not.

● Mods and Plugins: The basic Minecraft gameplay is vanilla. Now more advanced players who have been playing this mod for quite a while now need something different. To cater this need Minecraft hosting comes up with a variety of mod packs which sometimes become the reason for choosing a specific Minecraft hosting plan.

● Backups: Every gamers fear lost data. Backups are very important reliability factor in Minecraft hosting service. Minecraft can be a very involved and innovative game for advanced players. No one would like their game history to be destroyed.

 Latency: This factor is mainly dependent on the placement of server rather than server configuration. The closer the server, the better. There are hosting service providers who offer CDN based hosting which transfers data into nearest cache for fast access. Better use those hosting plans whether free Minecraft server hosting is providing that or paid Minecraft hosting.

There are multiple other factors to choose between free Minecraft server hosting and paid Minecraft hosting but one thing is sure that hosting must be fast and cost effective. The best hosting service providers out there offers a built-in CDN hosting which not only the fastest, but also reliable.

BelugaCDN is one hosting provider that is the world’s fastest and technologically very advanced, even better than its rich competitors in the market. Check out BelugaCDN hosting plans here!